Interesting news on Mac computers, and some referances to Jazz 2 coming out for the Mac was found on the Star Telegram. Click here to read it.
- DethMan
1/30/99 - 15:16 - Updated Lists.. |
avngr hh w has updated his Jazz 2 Party Mode players list and his clan list for the second time. The Party Mode players list now is up to 241 people. You can download the updated lists here and the old lists here.
- Steven
Since I am no longer posting news regarding upcoming level episodes/packs on the news, I have decided to start posting it on the Latest Downloads page. So, if you have news regarding upcoming level packs, e-mail me.
- Steven
1/29/99 - 19:29 - Massive Level Comp |
Rattiekid is doing a massive level competition. He is going to look at all of the levels ever created and put a score on them. (I hope he knows that J2C alone has almost 800 levels. =) For full details, read his post on the JMMB. (sorry that I couldn't give you the exact address, but I couldn't find it myself..)
- Steven
1/29/99 - 19:22 - Tileset Competition |
Elias FF is holding a tileset competition. Here are the rules:
1. There must be at least 100 tiles in your tileset.
2. No more than 500 tiles. (Provided you have the patience!)
3. Tilesets MUST have the proper masking.
4. They must also have a background.
5. Vines and poles are optional. (Vines are masked; poles are not.)
6. They can be related to anything, from TV to video games... as long as you give credit to whomever owns that particular show or character! You can also create your own character and put that in.
7. All tilesets MUST include a sample level. (No bigger than a normal Epic level, which is 256 tiles wide by 64 tiles high.)
All entries must be received by February 28, 1999. E-mail all entries to
- Steven
1/29/99 - 19:16 - Correction.. |
I made a mistake in the message I posted about the JCC MessageBoard on Wednesday. I said that Alienator wanted vulgar, untrustworthy people to be moderators for his board. I misunderstood what he told me, and he didn't want me to say that. So, I'd like to say sorry to Alienator for that. Once again, if you want to be a moderator for the board, e-mail Alienator.
- Steven
Alienator recently put up a message board for his site, Jazz Comedy Central. This is the place to go to post, well, stupid stuff. =) The new board can be viewed here. You also have a chance of becoming one of the moderators for the JCC Board. E-mail Alienator with a request for the job if you're interested.
- Steven
1/27/99 - 20:35 - Correction |
Alright there is a retraction, sort of, Alright the Clans that are joining together are GG, and eR. Not the Raptors (RS) Forming the Elite Guys, Elite Good Guys, we arent sure, but our symbol is EG so its prolly ELite Guys, of course this is not final thats all.
- Matti
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 was awarded the Best Arcade Game Of the Year (1998)! Wow... cool. Click here to see for yourself!
- DethMan
1/26/99 - 14:35 - Clans Listing Updated |
Finally updated the clans listing =) I added several new clans, change a couple old ones, and as requested by Jazz 1, listed the BB's as deceased. I also remember having recieved news that the GGs and RSs joined together?? I need confirmation of this from their leaders before I change anything. Thanks.
- DethMan
Well, last week's poll finally ended a long struggling conflict of old.... Jazz vrs Spaz. While I doubt it is far from over, atleast everybody now knows the oppinions of some 256 individual people (which btw, is up about 60 responses from the last one... which lasted 2 weeks, not one; cool =)) I don't really care which... I can play either Spaz or Jazz... Dean likes animating Spaz(slight mistake earlier, said Jazz =), Jon... well, he never comments anyway ;-)
Anyway, it looks like Spaz won out in the end, by some 47 odd votes... Jazz won over "Don't Care" by 67 votes, as you can see in the results:
Jazz (his ears reach!) (92) -36%-
Spaz (he *kicks* =) (139) -54%-
I don't care! Either one. (25) -10%-
Now for the new poll... I was wracking my brains around midnight, trying to figure out what to use.. I came up with... a dopefish poll! ;-) Vote whether you think Spaz actually ate the dopefish... or if this is an evil elaberate ruse, conspired by Epic programmers... don't know what I'm talking about? Click here.
- DethMan
1/25/99 - 14:03 - Raptor's Turn Good? |
As you may know, RS (Raptors) have been very mean and evil. (at least, that's what he told me ;) However, thanks to Noraa RS, the clan is now going to be good. They will help people in need and give assistance to people with JJ2 problems. I'm sure that's a good thing to hear for many of you.
- Steven