Saturday, August 21, 1999 |
2nd APPLE Screenshot 16:44
This is the same as the first screenshot expect this one shows the "PossumSCRIPT". Once again, sent in by Roaster.
New Jazz 2 Forum 16:40
Got this one from Jazz Central.
As many of your know, when Jeh got laid off from Epic he moved to the US and took a job at ActionXtreme, which is part of MPlayer. Jeh set up a Jazz 2 message board at Xtreme, which you can view right here.
GOOD NEWS! 23:51
This is good news! She is okay!
Ok JJ2 fans I have some really good news! I saw tweety and she is doing
great! I don't even think the earthuake even hit that area! I dont know
how her family is doing but as soon as I find out I will tell all you
JJ2 fans out there.....
Update: Check out this post on the JMMB to learn more details. Thanks to MetalWarrior for pointing out that post.
-AniFreak; updated by Steven
Bad News 15:13
This is some pretty bad,
For all of you JJ2 fans I have some bad news. If you ever knew or have
seen Tweety she could be dead...She lives in Turkey and not too long ago
there was an earthquake killing thousands of people and lots injured.For
all I know Tweety could be dead, I havn't been able to contact her in a
long while.
Mr.MagooFK would like anyone that knows what happended to e-mail him. I pray that Tweety is not dead.
Cool Pics 03:41
Another action shot by Mr. Magoo FK and a pic showing a taco assault by Alien Wasp. :-)
oh, and be sure to visit Jazz 2 Stuff to find out why Jazz 2 City could be shut down. I figured I might as well post about it on J2S because I know that it will attract a lot of visitors. =)
Poll Page 03:31
If you like polls, be sure to check out WhiteOutWW's new website. It's focused around.. well.. polls. ;) ...and it has a Jazz 2 newsletter. I don't really know anything about the newsletter. I guess we'll just have to subscribe to find out what it is.
Wednesday, August 18, 1999 |
APPLE Screenshot 16:01
Roaster sent me this exclusive screenshot of APPLE - the All Purpose and All Perfect Possum Level Editor. I guess there's nothing more to say besides "it's cool" and "I can't wait for it to be released". :)
Lots of Stuff 15:54
Jazz Central has posted loads of good news. I decided not to copy everything they posted 'cause there's so much of it and I don't want to be rude. (and I'm too lazy to copy it all anyway ;) If you're intersted in any of the following topics, visit JC news *now*!
The new JCC Cafe
Ordering Jazz 2 for Mac (You get a free Jazz 2 stuffed animal with your purchase!)
Mac version of TSF
A new Jazz group called "Orangos"
And all that other good stuff they post :-)
PlanetJazz2 14:09
I got this from IcEd JPL.
Hey you all, it's iCeD JPL here with some JJ2 site news.
I've started my own fan site!
The fan site is called PlanetJazz2. Heres what it all has:
- News!
- Levels!
- JJ2 and TSF reviews!
- Other Downloads!
- Much more...
It's located at
It's still under constuction. But people MUST send me levels and news for it to be a complete site!
Just send an email to me with the subject "PJ2 Level Submission". They have to have the file attached, too. All the following info is needed:
- The level name (duhness)
- The author
- The level type
- The Version (of JJ2)
Thats the news.
Post this soon
--iCeD JPL
New Forum 15:55
Dean Dorill, the Animator that has created the JJ2's Cut Scenes, has came up with a new Forum in The JMMB,
it was made to teach how to create a Charecter Illustration and Tradional Animation.
JCC Cafe Down 19:25
Spaz has reported on Jazz Central that the JCC Cafe is down. I don't know what the problem is, but Spaz is trying to get it fixed...
Stop Buggin' Dino 19:18
Dino is starting to get annoyed by all of the messages he has been receiving about Possum. He has all of the ideas that he needs for now. However, he is willing to talk to you, as long as you don't give him anymore Possum ideas.
We could be seeing some changes in the new Possum site. Spactic used an editor when he made it, so now Dino is having trouble updating the page. I'm not exactly sure what's going to happen, but I'm sure that there will be some sort of renovation.
Finally, Dino Trigger has been cancelled because Dino doesn't have time for it anymore. He may let somebody else continue the project, and you can still download the demo at the Programs page.
Jeh's Birthday 19:13
Jeh has a birthday coming up in a couple days. Be sure to send him a greeting card or nice message. (300274)
After Jeh's birthday is over, we can go back to plotting his death. =)
JPL & J2 Cemetary 19:08
The Jazz Players League and Jazz 2 Cemetary are no longer going to be updated because Ice can't use his computer much anymore. You can learn why by visiting this topic on the JMMB.
Maybe we can find a replacement for Ice. We'll see...
New RPG 16:24
I got this news from Xeno GPW.
New RPG Script -
I just started making a new RPG script a couple of days ago, and I need
some people to help me work on it. First, I need an artist for the character
designs and the logo design. After I finish the script, I hope to find a
programmer or programming group who can create my RPG and make it real. I
don't know if this would qualify as News, but what the hey, always worth a
-Xeno GPW
Possum Sites Up 17:31
The official Possum website and the new Possum forum are up. However, I'm not completely sure if the Possum forum is going to stay, as I think lots of people want to keep it on the JMMB. We'll see...
"Hot Site" 12:56
Okay last night I was looking at one of my little brothers magizines (it was a old one) I went to the "Hot Sites" page. Jazz Jackrabbit 2 was in there with a link to the page. This is what it says,
Free demo! Help Jazz and Spaz take on Devan Shell and wacky enemies in this hilarious new adventure.
And if you guys are wondering, it was Disney Adventures December 1998.
~Yawn~ Now leave me alone, I just woke up.