For the latest levels, visit
the Latest Downloads section. Downloads Maintained by Steven Wakeman.
Information and mirror sites for various programs on this page
can be found at the Downloads section of The Daily
Jazz Shareware
Filename: |
Description: |
FileSize: |
tsfdemo |
Jazz 2: The Secret
Files Demo |
21MB |
Jazz2swf |
Jazz Jackrabbit 2
Shareware |
11MB |
1jazz |
Jazz Jackrabbit 1
Shareware |
1.4MB |
jjxmas95 |
Jazz Jackrabbit Holiday
Hare '95 |
1.4MB |
jazzxmas |
Jazz Jackrabbit
Christmas Edition '94 |
1.4MB |
Filename: |
Description: |
FileSize: |
tsfpatch |
The Secret Files Patch;
fixes installation problems |
425KB |
j2_uninst |
If you delete J2 and
can't reinstall the game, use this to fix the program.
Right-click the file and choose Install. |
1.29KB |
FixRace |
Fixes Race Mode in TSF;
unzip the files into your TSF folder. |
15.6KB |
View Ice's Server
Patch Tutorial.
JCS.ini Updates
Filename: |
Description: |
FileSize: |
dutchjcs |
By GreenKiller; changes
the text in JCS to the Dutch language |
35.2KB |
JCSini3 |
Allows you to use the
HH98 enemies/boss & pinball events in Party Mode (no
Trigger Zone event) |
5KB |
iniJCS |
Allows you to use
Pinball Events in Party Mode (no Trigger Zone event) |
4.89KB |
JCSini |
Allows you use the
Trigger Zone event in JCS |
4.83KB |
Multiplayer Launchers
Filename: |
Description: |
FileSize: |
Golden Jazz 2 Launcher
by Everlasting GK |
1.76MB |
JMLite |
Same as the original
JML, (below) but its fiile size is a lot smaller. |
295KB |
Jazz2 Multiplayer
Launcher by Aceldama; easy to use program that lets you
launch all types of J2 games without starting up J2
itself. |
2.02MB |
xjj2v15 |
Xperimental-JJ2 Wizard
v1.5 by Pennywise - lets you set up Race and Coop games
to play with your friends over the Internet. Official
Website |
5.67KB |
Filename: |
Description: |
FileSize: |
ddFlic |
Converts FLC files to J2V,
the format for J2 cinematic files. |
93KB |
Screen Savers
Filename: |
Description: |
FileSize: |
jazz2scrn |
By Project 2; shows
Jazz/Spaz/Lori running across the screen collecting gems. |
1.3MB |
spazsaver |
By F. Quist of J2LC;
shows Spaz bumping over the screen |
31.8KB |
Tileset Templates &
Filename: |
Description: |
FileSize: |
stencil |
Template & Palette
for PSP |
2.85KB |
tilepal |
2 palettes for Paint
Shop Pro 5 |
1.09KB |
tilesbmp |
Tileset grid with 1000
tiles, BMP format |
15.1KB |
1000tiles |
Tileset grid with 1000
tiles, PSD format for Photo Shop |
1.35MB |
Filename: |
Description: |
FileSize: |
Other Stuff
Filename: |
Description: |
FileSize: |
J2Info |
"Jazz 2 Info"
by Allan; tons of Jazz 2 tips (ver. 2) |
880KB |
Pikacur |
Pikachu cursors, sent
in by Brandon |
5.93KB |
HolidayColors |
By AniFreak; open files
to get holiday colors in Party Mode |
1.74KB |
waterdoc |
By Rastus; list of the
best tilesets to put water into. |
2.03KB |
J2filecopy |
Created by MetalWarrior,
copies JJ2 levels from your "Cache" folder to
your "Jazz2" folder. |
1.7MB |
Music Programs
Filename: |
Description: |
FileSize: |
mod2j2b |
Converts music files
into .j2b |
66KB |
MODPlug |
MP3 player, click for
FTP list |
243KB |
Most backgrounds made for 800x600 resolution and were created
by Dethman or Onag, unless otherwise specified.
Filename: |
Preview: |
FileSize: |
sent in by Bartman |
collection of backgrounds from Sonic Adventure. |
6.52MB |
by Alienator |
736KB |