Patch Info 13:21
Our good friend Ice (not Ice M A N :-) who runs the JPL, has taken some time off to edit the official patch. It should now work for all versions of Jazz (1.20, 1.21, 1.22, 1.23), along with HH98, the Shareware version of Jazz, and TSF (which already has it, but whatever =). For those of you having trouble d/ling the patch, hold down shift when you click on the link for the patch. Also (not sure if this is correct), but as I said before, install it from your JJ2 directory by double-clicking on it. And of course, as always, make a backup of your windows registry first.
If it still doesn't work, Ice also made a tutorial on manually adding in some keys to your registry. However, be SURE to make a backup first if you do this, since you might mess something up =) Here's the tutorial Ice wrote up:
Now i'm under the gun. :(
(Not for the faint of can really mess up your computer by editing the registry! Backup the registry first!)
Okay, here goes:
1. Click on start.
2. Click on run.
3. Type "regedit".
5. Expand SOFTWARE.
7. Expand JAZZ JACKRABBIT 2 (Or Shareware, or Secret Files, or whatever you have)
8. Expand 1.23 (Or 1.22, 1.21, or 1.20)
9. If "List Servers" exists go to step 11. If not, go to step 10.
10. Go to edit, then click new, then pick key. Rename that to "List Servers"
11. If the names "000" and "001" exists go to step 13. If not, go to step 12.
12. Go to edit, then new, then string value. Add "000" and "001" yourself.
13. Double click on the name 000. Change the data value to
14. Double click on the name 001. Change the data value to
15. Have fun!
- DethMan
Alien Productions 13:21
The Alien Productions and Jazz 2 Site Network websites have been combined into one site. To learn more about either of these two things, visit their website at
- Steven
God Contest 13:18
The Unofficial Daily Carrot is hosting a huge JJ2 contest started by F. Quist of J2LC. Click here for more information.
- Steven
Ordering Jazz1 13:12
If you are one of those Jazz 2 fans who doesn't have Jazz 1 and didn't get it when you bought Jazz 2, I've got a solution for you. Although Jazz 1 is hard to find, you can still get it by calling the Gathering of Developers. (US publishers of Jazz 2) It's only $10 with shipping. Call toll free 1-877-463-4263 to request your copy.
- Steven
Birthday Bash 13:09
Aceldama is having a birthday party online next Thursday and Saturday. (the 22nd and 24th) He didn't give an exact server name, but I'm sure it will be pretty obvious. You will need to download the Server List Patch before playing.
- Steven
Notes on Patch 14:51
Apparently some people are having problems installing the patch.. first, you must have it in the Jazz 2 directory when you install it, second, you must have version 1.23 of Jazz to install the patch, third, simply double click on the reg file, and it should install. Lastly, I'm trying to find out anything else that might cause the patch to go wrong, but this is all I know right now (I've gotten a couple emails on the subject). I suggest you post in the JMMB until I get more information on the subject.
- DethMan
Jeh's CTF Level 14:51
Jeh made a mistake! *Alert the jeh-killers!* =) Apparently, he made a typo in the next level field, on his recent CTF level "Gorrila Warfare." You'll want to go to the downloads page and re-download the level (we replaced the same level with the fixed version).
- DethMan
More on Server Patch 14:51
Just to make a note to everyone, don't install the patch if you have TSF. It's meant for the original JJ2 copy. (Although I have noticed it seems to work if you install from the JJ2 directory, then both TSF and JJ2 work). Also, you MUST have the 1.23 patch for the server patch to work. And of course, I suggest you spread the word around about the server patch, not everyone knows about it, and it's your duty to help :-)
- DethMan
List Server Patch 14:51
Well, it's finally here! Not that we've been waiting long, but the list server bug thing is finally fixed.
If you need help with it, please contact DethMan, as he loves to receive tech support emails. Right Deth? ;)
Anyway, get the file here, run it to install, and you're set. You shouldn't have any trouble connecting.
Just a note, if you do get a repeating "Retrieving Server Lists" message, that means there are currently no Jazz servers open.
That's the perfect time for you to load up your favorite level and get things going again!
- Onag (yes, really)
New Poll 13:12
The poll results:
How long have you owned Jazz 2? (232 votes)
Around a month (but I'm not a newbie!) (15) -6%-
Around 6 months (I must be a vet =) (56) -24%-
Around a year (Does this make me popular?) (98) -42%-
Less than 5,000,000,000!^7 years. (it's true! :) (32) -14%-
Gah! Who cares? We're waiting for the fan art page! (31) -13%-
It's good to see that there are still new members in our community! Now you'll want to answer this week's poll... :-)
- DethMan
Lori Animations 23:12
The Unofficial Daily Carrot has posted some cool animations of Lori, created by Alienator. You can view them, along with other awesome Jazz 2 related pics, here.
- Steven
JCS.ref 22:02
I'm really late on this news, but the 2nd TryMe Competition Event is now over. Onag is currently compiling the results, which should be up soon, along with the 3rd event. You can visit JCS.ref here.
- Steven
Project 2 Gets Makeover! 20:38 Has just received a major over-haul, new graphics, new layout, and new pages. This is definatley an improvement over the old, check it out now!
- Charge
New TSF Contest 20:38
Project 2 posted the following information involving playing TSF online and a new contest:
Jazz Jackrabbit has always been a very popular platform hero and all over the world you can play other fans via the internet. Now, you can also play the newest edition The Secret Files online
Especially when live in Holland, you should definitely check out They have one server dedicated to Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and another one dedicated to The Secret Files. You can dial in directly and skip internet, for guaranteed speedy gameplay! Also, you can practice for the big Survival Match coming up on June 11th, when you can win the first prize of 500 Euro !!
P2 went on to explain the contest in the Contest section of their site:
At Jazz fans can participate in the Jazz Survival Match. This contest is accessible for all owners of Jazz Jackrabbit 2 The Secret Files across Europe; in Holland competitors can directly dial in, the rest of Europe can join via the Internet.
The maximum amount of players is fixed for 32 in 1 game and a pyramid system will be operated until the final. The winner of this 'most kills win'-final will receive 500 Euro and 5 runners-up will get a Project Two Interactive weekendbag.
What to do?
For more information go to
Subscription possible until June 8th 1999.
This contest takes place on June 11th 1999. Start 20:00 CET.
- Steven
TSF T-shirts 20:36
Jeh recently posted on PlanetJeh Dot Com that he received two TSF T-shirts from Project 2. However, I'm not sure how to get one of the T-shirts at this time.
- Steven
New JCS 20:31
The New Spaz is creating a new JCS which may support the Battery Check tileset. For those who don't know, Battery Check is a Dutch game created by Arjan Brussee (main programmer of J2) using the Jazz 2 game engine. You can download the shareware of Battery Check here.
- Steven
Tile Donations 20:27
A Tile Donor system has begun. Everyone is encouraged to donate source images and masks for tilesets in .BMP or .PCX format. The tilesets will then be judged and copied into a Mega Tileset. Click here if you would like your tileset in the Mega Tileset.
- Steven
DanX Productions 20:25
DanX has created a new website which holds and explains all of his projects. Check out the cool new site here.
- Steven
Server Info 20:36
Jeh posted the following information about the Jazz 2 servers on the JMMB. Thanks to Jazz Central for the news.
As you know Jazz Jackrabbit 2 contacts a listserver on the 'Net to get details of all game servers currently running.
All copies of Jazz Jackrabbit 2 "Pre"-TSF (1.20 through 1.23) all have "" and "" listed as the servers to check both to have your server listed when you start a server, and to get a list of all game servers running. is gone. That was located at Epic UK and thus, like Epic UK, does not exist anymore. is the server that is down.
There are currently 2 more list servers running on the Internet right now, that were added to the equation AFTER 1.23. Thus all Pre-TSF copies of Jazz 2 have no idea these 2 servers exist.
I spoke with Arjan about 4 hours ago now and he told me that Michiel Ouwehand has been working on a user registry patch that, once you install it, will update your registry so that your Jazz 2 has an updated list of listservers to try and query.
When I spoke Arjan he was going off to look for the patch on Michiel's machine. I guess i'll hear back from him tomorrow as it's about 4am Dutch time.
- Steven
Servers Down 21:21
Yesterday Bart informed me that the Jazz 2 servers were down. I don't have any other details on this right now.
Also, don't forget to download Jeh's new CTF level, which is being posted on the Downloads page right now.
Finally, the JMMB is having problems with the Profiles and Preferences pages right now. However, Brian is working on the problem and I don't think it's anything to worry about.
- Steven
TSF Music 21:17
The Unofficial Daily Carrot posted the new music from The Secret Files. You can download the music here.
- Steven
TSF Delayed 21:14
If you ordered or are going to order TSF from Games Terminal, you've still got awhile more to wait. The Terminal now won't be shipping copies of TSF until April 30. Full details are in the e-mail I receieved below:
Thank you for ordering Jazz Jack Rabbit 2 Secret File with Games Terminal.
We were sitting expectantly waiting for this game to be delivered last week when a box arrived from Acclaim with - Jazz Jack Rabbit 2. Thankfully the error was spotted before the game was dispatched to you.
We were assured that replacement copies would be sent to us of the Jazz Jack Rabbit 2 Secret File - but it appears that known to Acclaim, but unknown to us, they secretly moved the Release Date!!!
Consequently the Release Date is now April 30th and we shall receive the copies on that date and your copy will be dispatched to you poste haste.
We apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused in delaying your playing of this title - unfortunately we are in the hands of the manufacturers for obtaining the game.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
- Steven
Shareware Games 19:52
I thought everybody knew about this, but I guess not. On the Jazz Jackrabbit 2 CD is a shareware folder containing the following Epic games:
-Fire Fight
-7th Legion
-Jazz Jackrabbit 1
-Extreme Pinball
Thanks to Jospaz2 bc for sending in this news.
While I'm at it, I might as well mention that there are two video clips of games in the Preview folder on the HH98 CD.
- Steven
JWT 19:49
Dawid has started a new tournament - JWT: Jazz World Tournament. It has been quite successful so far. Click here to learn more.
- Steven
JCC Redone 19:46
Jazz Comedy Central has been redesigned and looks better than ever. Check out Alienator's funny website at
- Steven
Sites Down & Up 19:44
According to Jazz Central, all of Epic's site were recently down. However, they seem to work now, so I guess there's no problem..
- Steven