The Jazz 2 servers just came back up! Go start a game! Thanks goes out to Shadow for the info.
On a side note, HiDDeN is going to be hosting the HiDDeN's Hideaway server tonight at 7PM Eastern. For those who don't know, HiDDeN used to host this server every week when Jazz 2 came out. Tonight you will get to see HiDDeN's newest and greatest level and maybe also the famous BOBO series. :)
Don't miss out..get there early!
- Steven
1/16/99 - 14:48 - Servers Permanently Down? |
Outlaw UOI has informed me of some interesting information. Apparently Peter has spoken with Orange Games about the down servers, and they said that they didn't have enough money coming in to keep the server lists up. So, Peters's going to try to convince them to let him do it.
I have no idea how Peter would be able to run the Jazz 2 servers. He does have a cable modem, and he would buy a second computer just for that purpose - but would it be enough?
- Steven
1/16/99 - 14:48 - HH99 Delayed |
The HH99 Tournament, which was going to be held today, has been moved to January 18. (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) This is obviously because all of the Jazz 2 servers are currently down.
- Steven
1/16/99 - 14:44 - Mysterious Level Pack |
Zapman and Gon With Da Wind are planning a level pack that is about our two heroes (Jazz & Spaz) visiting mines to find new adventures in unknown lands. They wander across the path of Devan Shell and discover a pit of ???'s and destroy an army of ???'s...
- Steven
5 people have informed me that all of the Jazz 2 multiplayer servers are currently down. Plus, both and are also down. Hopefully everything will be up and working again soon.
- Steven
1/15/99 - 20:05 - Iceman Returns.. |
klrlICEMAN is back on Jazz 2 after a 7 month absense. Welcome back, Iceman! =)
- Steven
1/15/99 - 19:58 - The BIG One |
avngr hh compiled two great lists of Jazz 2 fans. The first contains a list of almost 200 people who play multiplayer, and the second contains a large, incomplete clan list. You can download the multiplayer list here and the clan list here.
- Steven
1/15/99 - 19:51 - mAd Competition |
Here's an email I received involving a new competition! :
SvEiNuNg ThE mAd is creating a competition! If you would like to be one of the lucky winners,answer these questions:
1.Is the Jazz 3 rumor true?
2.Who has created the moebius tileset?
3.What is the code to go trough walls?
Here are the things you can win:
1st prize: Hyper Level Pack. Includes: 10 CTF levels, 5 Battle levels, 8 Race levels, 9 Treasure Hunt levels, lots of tilesets and 3 BIG Single Player episodes!
2nd prize: Full version of Operation:Doomsday(Single Player episode)
3rd prize: A Battle level pack
4th prize: A lot of tilesets.
Everything you need to do is sending SvEiNuNg ThE mAd the answers. You must include your email address in the message.
Send them to
NOTE:The email subject must be Really Smashing.
- Steven
1/15/99 - 13:05 - Noogy Posts =) |
Dean Dodrill, one of the "Epic" peoeple, posted yet another post on the JMMB. However, this one is special; it relates to the rumor of a JJ3. Quote:
I wonder what characters people would like to play in a new Jazz game. Any ideas? I would like to see Jazz and Spaz, each with different moves, moreso than JJ2.
You can click here to directly view his post and the replies. Or you can just go to the JMMB, and then click on the Jazz Jackrabbit 3 forum.
- DethMan
1/15/99 - 12:31 - Poll Delay |
If any of you have been wondering why the poll hasn't been updated, the reason is simple. The earliest that I could update it was wednesday; and I figured that was a bit late in the week. So I decided to let it go until the end of this week, so I can get my timing correct =) Also, I updated the archives.
- DethMan
Rachel informed me that she is making a level pack called "Island Sin." The level pack, which will contain 13 levels, should be released soon.
btw, sorry that the poll hasn't been updated yet. I haven't seen Dethman for a little while, but hopefully he'll update it soon..
- Steven
I'm sorry to inform you that Astronia, a great Jazz 2 player and level designer, is leaving the Jazz 2 community. He feels that it's time to move on. Here's what he had to say:
Thank you, you've all been nice! If you'd like to still chat with me, I can be found on IRC sometimes. Use mIRC or a similar program and connect to and join #human, my own channel where I am an AOP. Or you can mail. The address is on [Jazz 2 Stuff]. Thanks again. Nice knowing you all.
- Steven
1/11/99 - 19:07 - JCS FAQ Updated |
TheE has updated his JCS FAQ. You can download the latest version here. E-mail TheE if you are interested in helping him with the text file and database.
- Steven