Saturday, August 14, 1999 |
Centris 19:02
Before major development of Possum begins, the software group is going to create a simpler freeware game called Centris. The game is like Tetris in many ways, except in Centris the blocks come from 4 different directions and meet in the center of the playing field. I'll keep you updated as more details surface.
Big Jazz/Spaz Update 18:57
A few people have informed me on how to be a big Jazz or Spaz in Party Mode. All that you need to do is shoot bird-morph boxes. When you are a bird, in certain circumstances you will appear to be a big Jazz or Spaz to other players. This is more of an error than anything else, so there's no sure way of doing this. Just keep on shooting bird-morph boxes and see what happens...
TVOC 09:35
Got this news from Spazman.
Alienetor and I are in the works of making a new TVOC. The Features are the following:
1.A newer and more user friendly interface.
2.We will try to get more staff members look back here to see whats open.
3.It will be easer for me to update it which will be better for me.
4.Hopefully get the downloads section going we got 20MB on the server so all that we can get on there.
5.You will be over to post any news for TVOC on this message board.
and thats about it pretty much a new look Alienetor is going to have it up soon I hope so stay tuned to see the new TVOC!
If you have a sugestions questions or commets about the new TVOC send it to this email
Thanks for reading this and hope to see you at the new TVOC.
Upcoming Possum Sites 18:56
Today Spaztic posted on The Rabbit Hole about the upcoming websites for the Possum game that the community is currently working on.
Within the next couple of days Spaztic will be setting up the Possum site, which will be located at or Alienator will be handling the setup of the new Possum Message Board at Finally, you can e-mail Skitch Possum at
If you don't know what Possum is, check out the Possum Forest forum at the JMMB or wait until the websites are up to get more info.
Da Big Ones 18:44
Many of you have heard of this before. In fact, I think J2C might have reported this in this past. Giant & Spy sent in a couple of interesting screen shots showing a big Spaz and a big Jazz. They accidently stumbled upon this secret and don't know how they did it, but maybe somebody else will remember how to enlarge the size of Jazz or Spaz...
btw, in case you don't know: today is the final Friday the 13th of this millennium!
Thursday, August 12, 1999 |
TSF & 1.23 Readme 20:10
Apparantly people have been having problems with their Registry when both the 1.23 version of Jazz 2 and TSF are installed on their computer. So, Blue Falcon and Iron Eagle have created a small tutorial for people who are having problems with installation. You can find the readme in English or Dutch at the Winged Warriors website.
Note: If you are having troubles installing TSF, you should also try using this patch.
"APPLE V.01 Beta" 19:47
Roaster has accounced The V.01 beta version of APPLE, The new Possum's tile set editor:
Taken from JJMB:
"Development for APPLE is moving along quickly and I'll release a public beta in Jazz Central in 3 Weeks or less.
All BETAs of APPLE will be released to Jazz Central first. (I've a deal with StevenT :)
V.01 will include these features:
Ability to load a .bmp and convert it to a tile set (will not save tile set in .ptf format yet).
4 layer editing (more will come soon).
Ability to Re-Size layers.
Ability to read events from an events.h
The APPLE v.01 BETA will *not* contain the following:
Ability to actually use tileset (you can load it but cannot use the tiles).
Ability to Save, Load, or Run a level.
No Events will come with the BETA, DINO and me are working closley on this and we should have a few events
for the next BETA.
Please Understand that you CANNOT create anything with this BETA, its just intended for testing some of the features
One more thing, when loading the .bmp tile set, make sure its 320 pixels wide.
Thanks, and I hope you are as exited as I am."
Wednesday, August 11, 1999 |
New Sections 23:19
I (Blackman) have been working latley on some new project about Add-Ons Sections (HH98 & TSF), And its on high development stage right now.
The Sections will be Up From Next week, It will Include seperate updating news about JJ2 Add-Ons, Pictures, Information,
Tip & Hints, And Ordering Information, and also future information about incoming Add-Ons And JJ Versions (i.e - JJ3).
Apology 23:19
I need to apologize for something I said in my earlier post. It has come to my attention that I made some statements about atheists that were inappropriate. Although I did not intend for it to be that way, it did come out in that manner. So, just let me clarify I do not want to judge you differently because of what you believe in. All that I want to do is share what I know to be true.
I will not apologize for anything else said below. This page is devoted to anything that has to do with the Jazz 2 community. Christianity certainly is one of the greatest things in this community, so naturally I would want to write about it.
The Meaning of Life 17:58
Everybody who is reading this has one thing in common: we all love Jazz 2. However, we also have another thing in common: when we die, Jazz 2 is going to mean nothing to us at all. No material possession on earth will mean anything to us.
I often wonder -- why do we spend so much time increasing our wealth and possessions when we all know that ultimately they will mean nothing when we die?
The truth is, the only thing that matters now and that will ever matter in the future is God.
If you are an intelligent person, you should easily be able to see how logical the existence of God is. I have scientfically sound evidence for everything represented in my faith; Christianity. It's sad that people even need proof to believe, but if that's what it takes...
I'll give you an example. Many people believe in the theory of evolution. What many people don't realize is that evolution is scientifically impossible. All scientists believe in a principle stating that everything always gradually gets worse; nothing ever continually betters itself. However, evolution is based on the principle that earth continually bettered itself until we got to what we have today. Basically, people who believe in evolution are denying a solid, proven fact that earth can only get worse, not better. In other words, believing in evolution is as absurd as believing that humans can grow younger.
So, let's assume that God does exist. What does the existence of God mean to us? It means something very important. If you believe in God, and if you believe that His son, Jesus, died on the cross for your sins, you will have eternal life in Heaven when you die. (John 3:16) All that you have to do is believe and ask God to take over your life and forgive you for your sins. I have heard of dozens of people who have become Christians, and every single one has said that God changed their life after they became Christians. I can't tell you exatly how God will affect your life when you become a Christian, but I do know for sure that your life here on earth will be a ton better if you're walking with God. The alternative is to foolishly reject what I'm saying and, sadly, end up in Hell when you die.
I know what you're thinking: If God cares for us so much, why does he allow people to be condemned to Hell? Well, God does want every single one of you to go to Heaven. He proved that by sending His son to earth to die a horrible death on the cross for your sins. How can anybody say that God doesn't love them when He sent his son to die for us? I've never seen greater love than that.
A lot of people think that just being a good person will get them into Heaven. That belief has one huge problem: How do you know when you have done enough good to earn your way into Heaven? It's impossible to know. The truth is, it only takes one sin to get you into Hell.
I'm not asking you to make any big decisions right now, but I do beg you to consider what I said. I don't know about you, but I would rather take 5 minutes to learn about Christianity than ignore this and end up in Hell for eternity.
If you want to talk to me about anything that I have discussed, I am willing to chat with you anywhere, anytime. Nothing is more important to me than this.
ICQ: 7062397
AIM: WakemanJJ2
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" -- Romans 6:23
Cool JJ2 Techniques 8:40
Bluez and I were talking on ICQ yesterday (as we always do) and have found out 2 niftular techniques for JJ2. They are as follows:
Rocket Jump In order to do the rocket jump, you will need a wall next you and a bunch of RF Rockets. Now, run and jump into the wall and at the peak of your jump, fire the RF Rockets into the wall. You should be launched VERY high, you can essentially keep doing this and its possible to scale walls. I got 37+ tiles yesterday!!
TNT Jump To do a rocket jump, simply place a TNT in the air. Then, jump up again and shoot the TNT as you pass it. You'll essentially double your jump.
So what do you guys think? Pretty cool techniques aren't they? Ah well, I'm gonna play some CTF.
Tales From The Hellmouth 18:50
Captain Spam found a nifty new site that Cliffyb created. (Cliffyb, or Cliff Bleszinski, designed Jazz 1 & 2) It's called "Tales From The Hellmouth" and is "dedicated to exposing and sharing stories of peer and administrator abuse in the public school system." Hellmouth is tied into the Littleton incident and its fallout. The tales can found be at
New Poll 18:45
I guess people are still having troubles answering the poll because only 125 people replied. (well, I guess that's still a lot :)
Do you think that using shields in Party Mode is cheap? (by Evil Mike)
Yes, I don't like anybody who uses shields. (46) -37%-
Yes, but I only dislike shield campers. (14) -11%-
Yes, but I don't care if others use shields. (9) -7%-
Yes, but I use shields anyway. (11) -9%-
No, but I don't use shields. (6) -5%-
No, I like using shields in certain situations. (17) -14%-
No, I use shields all the time. (12) -10%-
No comment. (10) 8%
This weeks question is a classic. The J2S poll fans should love it.