TryMe Comp Event 4 15:02
Onag has released the info for the 4th TryMe Comp Event. Hurry over to JCS.ref to check it out, as this is a short event and there's only 5 days left to participate.
Neat Pic 13:24
I got this neat pic from Alien Wasp. Click Here to see it.
Mini Levels 16:06
I got this news from Timber Wolf.
Hello, it's me, TimberWolf, again. I'm e-mailing you this time because
I'm having a mini-lavel constest! A mini-level is a Single-Player
level in which Layer 4 must be 20-25 tiles tall and wide. Here's how I
want you to put in in the news...
TimberWolf's Mini-Level Contest!
TimberWolf wants all you Jazz and Spaz fans out there to send me your
mini-levels! What's a mini-level? A mini-level is created when layer
4 is only 20-25 tiles tall and wide. I make them mostly for fun.
Anyway, send me your mini-levels at, and you
just might be the next player who I make a level for! 5 players with
the best mini-levels will get their own personal mini-level pack! But
everyone who sends me a level will get the level put into a big level
pack of all entries!
Here are the rules-
*If you passworded your mini-level(s) send me the passwords too so I
can check it out.
*Don't put any cussing in text.
*This contest ends August 26
Good luck!
Lord Nux Update 15:58
I got this news from iCeD JPL with info about Lord Nux.
Hey, eveybody, it's iCeD JPL here.
This is a news update to Lord Nux.
I've lost a large amount of beta testers recently.
Everytime I email them, they never reply.
Well, I'll take that as an opportunity to make a new list of beta
I'll use a different approach this time. I'll first email the people I
want as beta testers.
Then they choose if they want to test or not. I'll also look for
designers, too.
So, if anyone recieves an email with the subject "You are a chosen LN
tester!" (also, designers apply too), open it!
You can reply yes or no.
Few are chosen, so feel lucky.
Oh, yeah and, if you are one of these people, dont wait for one, as you
are still a tester =) :
Black Ninja
Please post this soon.
--iCeD JPL
Programmer Needed 15:11
MetalWarrior gets credit for this info:
When Roaster left the community, he left a lot of projects unfinished. One of these was his programming spot in a game that Bluez is organizing on the Misc. forum of the JMMB. So, now a new programmer who is experienced in C++ and DirectX programming is needed to replace Roaster.
If you are interested, post a message on this topic or ICQ Bluez. (12145644)
Possum's Chat Server 09:30
Well, I've been looking at possum forest, there's too many ideas...
anyway in sunday at 22:00 (GMT +2) I'll open a 2 hour server, to talk about possum
and its ideas, like: programmers, website, and stuff like that...
so if you're related to possum in anyway then be there. (you can get more
info by E-mailling me...)
Wednesday, August 4, 1999 |
Come On! 23:09
You guys arn't sending me any news! Well, any ways, I was telling Wakeman about this little thing called Recommend-It, and I got it for my site, it was pretty cool. So I asked him this morning if I could put it on J2C, I was going to earlier, but I was going to Alaska Land with my little bros friend. Well, anyways, now at the bottom of the main page there is this buton that says something like "Click To Recommend-It!". Well, bye!-AniFreak
Project 2 Gets "Jumpin With Jack!"14:32
I know this might be old news, but I am not exactly sure, I just went to Project 2 and saw this news...I am quoting this right from there page.
Dutch games publisher Project Two Interactive is proud to announce it has reached an exclusive agreement with Jack Of All Games Scandinavia, to distribute Project Two products throughout Scandinavia.
"Jack Of All Games was our obvious choice to represent us in Scandinavia, and we have every confidence in this agreement being a successful move for both parties" says John Williams, Sales Director for the Dutch publisher.
Martin Stelling, Senior Product Manager for Jack Of All Games says the good feeling is mutual and adds " We are extremely pleased with this distribution agreement with Project Two and are eager to launch new products in Scandinavia, we feel Project Two has an exciting line-up, giving us the opportunity to work together to create successful business in Scandinavia".
The exclusive deal is for two years, and includes PC and console titles. The first new release will be the promising aerial arcadegame ACM 1918 for the PCCD, followed by the eagerly anticipated PlayStation title Plane Crazy.
This means that Jazz 2 could be released in Scandinavia..Well just have to wait and see '|-)
- Charge
Clan Links Needed 16:29
Hey all, as i've been told by shadow gpw, he needs you all to resend the clan links.
besides this also a chance to update the clan stuff a bit more ;)
click here to e-mail him.
another thing: shadow's leaving for 3 weeks vacation in august 8th, then don't
send him any links then...
TSF Warrior Server 15:09
The Winged Warriors have announced that they will be hosting a TSF server this Friday the 6th from GMT+1 07:00 until GMT+1 23:00. More information about the server and the levels that will be hosted can be found at the Winged Warriors website.
I thought this would be worth posting because I've been hearing many people say that there haven't been very many TSF servers lately. So, hopefully there will be a good turnout this Friday.
CoC 3 Update15:06
As many of you know, Roaster is leaving the Jazz 2 community. Even so, CoC 3 has not been cancelled. Syntax is taking over the competition. iCeD JPL told me that some CoC 3 stuff can be found at the JMMB, but I don't have the links to the exact posts...
Testing! I think 20:05
Okay, I'm testing this now that Wakeman made it easier to understand! Thanks!
Our New Staff 19:30
I'll just go through our entire staff so you guys understand what's going on. The following is unofficial cause a couple of these guys may not even know that they've been hired yet. :)
Dethman/Onag: Nothing, but we still take orders from them ;)
Steven: Deth says I'm the President now, so I pretty much oversee everything.
Blackman: News & other odd jobs..
AniFreak: News
Alienator: Now that he has returned, he's got Fan Art and news
Charge: News (are we seeing a pattern here? :)
Brian: Cool JMMB guy
Coolmon: He *says* that he's working on links, but I haven't seen anything yet..
SteelTalon: ToD's, Interviews, ...
ShadowGPW: Clan & Level Group Links
Admael: Daring Feats/War Tavern
Hopefully things will actually get updated now that we've got a huge staff. Needless to say, we are no longer hiring.
New Updater18:47
Hey you all! i was now hired to be one of the new J2C news updaters, also *maybe* i'm going to update the ToDs too, who knows? ;)
well, cya next time i post...
JCC Cafe 16:31
The JCC Cafe has finally updated their messageboard for more options, and a more attractive user friendly look.
This board is only for insane members on the community, so if you are an insane freak, then alienator and spaz
want you! You can visit the new board at
Just A Regular Update 16:56
Its me Charge, I would just like to say sorry for not updating j2c alot lately, I guess I was just taking a big break..I plan on starting to update regularaly again (Due to Steven getting mad). So expect to see alot of news post by me soon '|-)
Also, The Fan-Art page, Sorry for not updating that, Im going to do a major update very soon...also due to an email promblem I lost alot of fan art submissions, if you would please send them again I would be very greatful....
Another Thing, another reason I have not been updating the news is that it seems all the news is being sent straight to Steven, I never get J2C news in my inbox, so start sending it to me too '|-)
Until Later Jazzers!
Jazz 2 CC Info 16:56
Thanks to Aiko and Andreas Van Leeuwen Flamino from Project 2 for this info:
Jazz 2 CC is officially called Jazz Jackrabbit 2: Christmas Chronicles. I'm not completely sure what it will include, but it looks like HH98 will be in there, along with a type of addon for The Secret Files. (In other words, there will be new levels)
The price has not been announced yet, but Jazz 2 CC is scheduled to be released on November 12. You will be able to start purchasing the game on November 19.
I may be able to get some more details soon, so stay tuned...
TryMe Comp 3 Results 16:51
Onag has released the results from his most recent TryMe Comp Event. You can see where you're standing in the competition by visiting JCS.ref. It looks like stripe is currently in the lead, followed closely by Roaster, Dethman and PaG.
Information for Event 4 should be released soon.
Possum Forest 16:46
If you have been reading the JMMB recently you probably know that a group of Jazz 2 fans have decided to create their own game called "Possum: Adventures of Skitch". A new forum has been created at the JMMB specifically made for talking about the upcoming game.
Click here to enter Possum Forest.
Cool Screenshot 16:23
Mr. MagooFK sent in this cool screen shot from one of his servers. I haven't seen that much action in Jazz 2 for ages.
Now Hiring 22:21
A lot of people have been waiting for an opportunity to get a job at Jazz 2 City. Well, here's your chance. I've decided to hand down some of my jobs because I've got way too much to do. It's just getting to be way too stressful. I would prefer having current J2C members help me with this stuff, but if nobody is willing to do it I need somebody new.
Alright, here's the stuff that I need help with:
- News (I'll still update - it's just getting to be too much now that Alienator and Dethman are gone.)
- Level Group Links (very easy)
- ToD's (It only has to be updated once a month)
The news will require you to:
- Visit all major J2 sites everyday to search for news
- It's not required, but it would be nice to have somebody who regularly visits the JMMB so news can be acquired from there, if there is any..
- News is useless if it isn't posted immediately. So, you've got to be dilligent.
- We also get news thru e-mail, so you would also have to deal with that.
You must know how to handle basic HTML in Notepad to take a job at J2C. We do not permit the use of HTML editors. (except in the Downloads. hehe) It's always nice to have an expert in JAVA or CGI, but it's not required.
There are probably other things that you could help with besides the ones listed. If you have any ideas, or if you would like to request a job here at J2C, e-mail me at
If you don't want a job here at J2C, you can also apply for a job at Jazz 2 Stuff.