Servers Down? 21:32
The Jazz 2 servers are currently down. I've ask various people and we've started up servers, but nobody can connect to the server list. We also can't connect to Jeh's website showing the current games in progress. On the other hand, we could still manage IP games. I find this to be strange because Jeh's patch should allow us to play, even when the servers are down, as it did in the past. I'll check on the condition of the servers tomorrow and give you a report.
- Steven
Friday, June 18, 1999
New Patch is Coming! 12:17
On a recent post on the JMMB, Arjan explained that Epic has *finally* fixed the servers, (in other words, you don't need the patch to play J2 anymore) and has announced that we might see another Jazz 2 patch in the future. Here's what he said in his post: (thanks to Roaster for telling me about this) hi guys,
we've been so hard at work on our new projects, that we didn't notice some of the problems you all were having.
I've contacted epic, and worked with them to get the main listserver up and running again.
Something else: I don't really have time to check the board often, but if there are problems which need to get fixed, please keep a list somewhere (here on jazz2city or so) which I can check, so that I can make a patch in the near future. Please give me reasonable things to do, not major new features which cost too much time.
hope you are a tad happier now
You can visit the thread on the JMMB for this subject here.
- Steven
Animaniacs Uses J2 Engine 12:36
Jeh has informed me that one of South Peak's newest titles, "Animaniacs: A Gigantic Adventure" is a Jazz 2 engine license. In other words, it's layout is similar to that of Jazz 2. For more information, visit and click on the "Games" tab at the top of the page. Scroll down until you see Animaniacs.
- Steven
Jazzhack HQ 12:27
Thanks to the Rabbit Hole for this information:
Pennywise (aka Minor Threat) has just released the official web page for the Xperimental-JJ2 program, the program that allows you to play Race and Coop over the Internet with your friends. You can get the latest news on this program and others Pennywise may create by pointing your browser to the Jazzhack HQ.
- Steven
Thursday, June 17, 1999
The Voice of Carrotus 07:10
A new web site has been created , The Voice of Carrotus (TVOC). TVOC was originally thought
of by SpazRS, Noraa, and DizzyRS aka Bobby. The site was designed by Alienator and has a nice, user friendly layout. There are
various sections of the page including usefull Jazz2 links and downloads etc. etc. etc. Anyway, make sure you visit this page
and check it out!
- Alienator!!!!!
New Fan Art 12:36
Alienator is currently busy making a new Fan Art page for J2C. I've seen a preview of it, and I can safely say that it will be one of the nicest sections here on J2C. Here's some of the features: (quoted from UDC cause I'm lazy :)
It will have a nice new interface
Only large pics will have to be downloaded
No emailing pics will be required, there will be a form upload
In other words, continue making pictures for the Fan Art section.
- Steven
Wednesday, June 16, 1999
New JCS.ref 20:12
If you've been reading the JMMB lately, you may know that Onag and a crew of 4 are working on turning JCS.ref into a "real reference" for JCS information. It will navigate much like a common multimedia encyclopedia (like Encarta or Bookshelf). It will also come complete with a monthly newsletter containing level making tips and tricks, reviews/previews of upcoming projects, and other general JCS stuff.
Jazz 2 City itself may be undergoing some changes. The Flash stuff is once again under development, and more complex CGI may be visible in the future in various sections. Keep checking back for more info on both of these items.
- Steven
J2C on Netcenter 17:10
Captain Spam has been nice enough to add Jazz 2 City to the Netscape Netcenter. To get the latest headlines at J2C through Netcenter, sign up or log in here and search for the Jazz 2 City channel. If you're using Netscape you can view the Netcenter from the "My Netscape" button on the tool bar. If not, the web page is located at
- Steven
Layout Updated 15:18
Seeing as I only use 1024x768, I didn't realize there were problems with this page in 800x600 resolution until recently. All of the problems are now fixed; you will not get a horizontal scroll bar. If you are using anything less than 800x600, you will have to use the Fast Index version of the site.
- Steven
Tuesday, June 15, 1999
Online Race/Coop 11:58
As we wait to see if Epic adds Race mode to Internet play, Pennywise has come up with his own way to play Race and Coop online. He has created a program for this very purpose. For more information on this, visit this thread on the JMMB. You can download the program here. Thanks to the Rabbit Hole for the information.
- Steven
Monday, June 14, 1999
Online Race Mode 15:49
Thanks to stripe for this info:
A few mintues ago some "Epic people" had a server up for testing some new Net code. They are apparently working on some bugs and are adding in an online Race mode. There's no guarantee that this is correct, especially if you consider how hard it would be to do Race mode online, but you never know...
- Steven
UDC Moves 13:56 The Unofficial Daily Carrot has moved to
The reason for the move is because the Eosnet server was going way too slow and was down all the time. Sometime I (Alienator) will get a real domain name for it, but until then,
I will only be searching for the best :). Check it out!
- Alienator!!!!!
Contest Results 13:56
The following are the results from the TSF contests at Project 2. Congratulations to all of the winners!
Winner of Jazz Easter Level Contest: English nine year old Emily Williams (CaRRoTs of J2LC) Download the winning level. (User Name=contest, Password=bunnylover) J2C gives the level ***; look for it in the Downloads section soon.
Winner of Registration Card Slogan Contest: Dutch seven year old Mike de Koning
Winning slogan: "Jazz Jackrabbit is a sugar rushing carrot eating block buster game animal."
Jazz Survival Match:
The match on has gone into overtime. The finals will take place this Thursday. Good luck to all of the participants!