New Chat Room 20:29 The Rabbit Hole has added a Jazz 2 Chat section to their site. You can register here and chat here.
- Steven
Net Party Delayed 20:27
The next Australia Net Party game will be hosted a day late due to work being conducted on Rastus' communication lines.
It will now be held on Saturday, instead of Friday, US time or Sunday morning Australian time.
- Steven
Site Ranker 20:23
I've signed up Jazz 2 City for Jazz Central's Site Ranker. You can vote for our site at the bottom of this page. Be honest!
- Steven
Wednesday, May 26, 1999
Password Revealed 21:59 StevenT and Roaster have discovered the password that you need to insert at to download the contest levels. It is "bunnylover", which is the password given to you at the end of the last level in the full version of TSF. We should be able to begin downloading those levels in early June.
- Steven
More TSF Trick Info 21:49 Martin has given us a detailed description on how to play the entire full version of Jazz 2 using Lori:
1) Copy these files from your main Jazz2 folder (only these) and place them in your TSF folder:
2) Run The Secret Files and choose the episode you want to play. Then pick Lori and start playing!
Also, somebody has reported some problems with the TSF trick posted in the last couple days, so you may want to backup these two files in your TSF folder before overwriting them as the steps suggest: Jazz2.exe & JCS.ini.
- Steven
Tuesday, May 25, 1999
TSF Trick Update 21:48
The trick I posted yesterday regarding playing official/custom levels using the TSF demo was actually discovered by Ice Wolf EE, not Pikachu. (Pikachu learned about it from Ice.)
Also, Roaster has come up with an easier way to pull off the trick. Use the steps below:
1. Copy the level, tileset and music to your TSF Demo folder.
2. Drag the level onto the "Jazz2.exe" file in your TSF Demo folder.
The level will be opened for you to play, although you will not be able to choose your character or difficulty level. You can also use this trick with regular Jazz 2, and is great for playing levels that are passworded and don't appear on the Home Cooked Levels list.
- Steven
P2 Contest Levels 21:45 Project 2 has posted the levels from their recent Easter contest. Unfortunately, you currently need a password to download the levels, so I think only participants can get the levels at this time. They have not posted who won yet...
- Steven
Free Hosting @ JC 21:43 Jazz Central has finished configuring the scripts for their website hosting. You can sign up for your free site here.
- Steven
Monday, May 24, 1999
TSF Trick 20:16
Thanks to Pikachu, I have learned how to play official or custom levels using the TSF demo. Here's how:
1. Copy the level file(s) that you want to play with Lori, and the tileset that goes with the level, into your TSF demo folder.
2. Copy JCS.exe and JCS.ini from your Jazz 2 folder into your TSF demo folder.
3. Edit the level "share3.j2l", and change it so that the next level is the level that you copied into the TSF demo folder.
4. Play the TSF demo and go to the shareware demo episode. Skip levels (jjnext) until you get to
the level that you wanted to play.
On a minor note, I've added the JCS.ini update to the Important Events list. It lets you use the HH98 enemies/boss in the normal JCS, along with some other minor features.
- Steven
Sunday, May 23, 1999
New Poll 18:15
Here are the results from last weeks poll according to the 292 people who answered it:
If Jazz wasn't a rabbit, what would he be? (by NeW)
A squirrel (44) -15%-
A hamster (21) -7%-
A chicken (24) -8%-
A lizard (25) -9%-
A turtle (12) -4%-
A goldfish (13) -4%-
Something else... (23) -8%-
Jazz can't be anything but a rabbit (130) -45%-
Answer this weeks poll to determine which tileset you think is the best.