Jazz OEM 23:42
Zapman has informed me of some interesting information about Jazz 2 version 1.00, the OEM version. There are some interesitng differences between that version and the one we've come to know. These include:
-Different screen for multiplayer startup
-Extra battle level
-Different pepperspray
-Laser shield works
Check out these two screen shots from the OEM version:
McClory.com Down 23:42
McClory.com, home of Jazz Comedy Central, is currently down due to some problems with their Microsoft Proxy Client
for Windows NT server. Alienator is unsure on when the site will be back up.
- Steven
New J2S Released 16:47
The new Jazz 2 Stuff has been released on schedule. You can check out the site at http://www.cet.com/~wakeman/.
I'm not in the habit of braging about my own site, so I'll just say that I don't think you'll be disappointed with the new site. Also, don't forget to answer the much-anticipated Poll 50, the 3rd poll featuring cows and chickens.
- Steven
Friday March 26, 1999
Free Copy of TSF 22:00
UDC (Unofficial Daily Carrot) posted news about a contest that allows you to win a free copy of The Secret Files. The contest, hosted by Jazz Comedy Central, will take place on April 14. The goal is to win a Jazz 2 tournament using the new EarthRealm tilesets. As far as I know, the server name, time, and/or password for the server have not been announced yet. If you win, TSF will be sent to you over ICQ or through a download. (keep in mind that it is over 40MB large) This contest is available to US residents only.
- Steven
New Daily Carrot 19:55
No, The Daily Carrot has not been updated. However, the Unofficial Daily Carrot has. Check out the newest Jazz 2 site at http://www.jazzjackrabbit.go.ro/.
The purpose of this site is to keep The Daily Carrot alive. The creators of the site so far are: Alienator, StevenT, Brian, Roaster, and Charge.
- Steven
New SF Screens 19:35
I got the following screen shots of The Secret Files from Jazz Central, who got them from Dark MooGoo. Click on any of them for a larger version.
- Steven
Hack Attempts & Downtime 17:29
If you've been wondering why there's been a lack of news.... well, we've been hacked =) It wasn't incredibly bad, but some files disappeared, and then there was a mixup, so we weren't able to get things in order until just recently. I've bloody well got an idea of who it is, but I won't say... all I'll say is that I'm very disappointed that anyone would stoop as low as to try and undermine J2C by hacking it. In my personal oppinion, that's about as honorless as they come. I sincerely hope that this person won't try it again and force me to use more extreme measures, but we won't go into that. The point is, we're back up, and everyone is happy now :-) Certain people in certain areas also had downtime while attempting to go to J2C, but that was a problem with Internic, and nothing to worry about.
That's the bad news, with some good mixed in =) Now the good news is that the fan-art page is getting underway (no, I haven't forgotten it by far =) it's hard to forget large files in email =)). However, I also had some recent trouble with my email, so if you've sent anything in the past two weeks, you'd better send it again. Also, in case I have any other trouble, I suggest using wlhyt@frontiernet.net to mail me =) Thanks.
That's it for now.. unfortunatly, no one died with the posting of this news, and no one was impersonated, real or implied, and Epic hasn't come back to life, real or implied =) If you have an urgent craving to see some fan art however, try visiting the War Tavern Support site.. it has a couple cool drawings.
and you still haven't given me your cool pic scotty =) *hint* =)
- DethMan
Wednesday March 23, 1999
New Poll 16:12
Okay, before we go on to this week's poll concerning TSF, we'll post the last poll's 240 responses.
Do you like the addition of the lite/fast J2C layout?
Yes (Woo, my 2400 works now :-) (74) 31% No (Do you know the meaning of the world "UGLY"?) (76) 32% Don't Know (I got a cable, either one is fine ;-) (90) 38%
It was definately a very close battle, and iti looks like there are more people who don't like it than those who do. However, we'll probably keep it anyway, since anyone who really wants to look at the graphical site can do so, either by the choice just before the auto-director, or by simply clicking on the 800x600 (or 1024x768) links near the top of the news page. Now this week's poll concerns the imminent Jazz Jackrabbit 2: The Secret Files add-on pack. The fact is, we don't really know if there will be imports, but the question is, if there are, will you buy TSF?
- DethMan
Monday March 22, 1999
New SF Distributer 19:12
If you live in Europe but are having trouble finding The Secret Files, you're not alone. Martin e-mailed Project 2 about this, and learned that there is going to be a new distributer for TSF in the UK. Here's part of the e-mail message:
"... [The Secret Files] was released by us this week indeed, but in the UK it will not be distributed until we have signed a new distributor, which we will probably do this week. After that it will take at least another week to get the game into the shops..."