How to win?
The most original and best designed level will win, according to the opinion of the Project 2 Jury. The participating levels will be downloadable from our site after the contest has ended. By competing you agree to that. The winners name will be published on our site. We will contact you if you win and ask for your bank account.
Registration Card Contest:
If you have bought the game Jazz Jackrabbit 2 The Secret Files you can send in the registration card and win 500 Euro.
What to do?
For that you just have to finish the sentence Jazz Jackrabbit is… in 15 words in English and you are a competitor! A Project 2 jury will judge on originality and announce a winner.
This contest end on May 31st 1999.
- Steven
Thursday March 18, 1999
SF Shareware Info 20:55 Jazz Central posted the following interview with Arjan Brussee regarding the shareware of The Secret Files:
StevenT: What will be included in the new demo? Same as the demo for JJ2, just different enemies, tilesets, levels and Lori. Right? Arjan: new demo=2 sf levels (2 tilesets) + Lori
StevenT: What about enemies? Arjan: don't know if there's obvious new enemies in these few demo levels
StevenT: What's your target release date? Arjan: depends on Project 2 what they want to do with online presence and such, but these things are out at the moment
StevenT: Will we be able to use Lori in JJ2 levels? Not the SF Demo or the full FS version. Arjan: nope, Lori is exclusively for the sf versions, it has different code and anims and has a bumped up network version
- Steven
Mousepad Pic 20:52 Project 2 posted this small picture of the Jazz 2: Secret Files mousepad. As we said before, only people who registered Jazz 2 in Europe received the free notepad.
- Steven
Wednesday March 17, 1999
Secret Unveiled! 19:16
I have just found out Zapped Productions' Project...
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Trivia! Check out this logo here, or their page, here!
- Coolmon
Tuesday March 16, 1999
Your Levels on TSF 22:03
Awhile back Dethman and I sent some of the best custom levels ever created to the creators of The Secret Files for adding to the CD. I have just learned that they are in fact part of the game. Here is a list of all of the levels included with the add-on:
- Under Siegeness : Battle : Evil Bill
- Silent Slayers : Battle : Martin
- A White Christmas : Battle : RockyRaccoon
- ElectriChaos : Battle : Onag
- LabLocked : CTF : Captain Spam
- Battle over Carrotus : CTF : Alpha Wolf
- Swingin Jazz : CTF : Bloodbunny
- PaSTE's City : CTF : PaSTE
- Dino Dynamics : CTF : Dino
- Quess of Board : Single Player : DethMan
- Sting in Your Tail : Single Player : Evil Bill
- 70's Fever : Single Player : Martin
- Diamond Rabbit : Single Player : DanX
- Peach Beach : Single Player : Wakeman
- Falken's Race : Race : Birdman
- Diamond DASH : Race : Stripe
- Diamonds in Diamondus : Treasure : Captain Spam
- D-Scape Xepha : Treasure : Mez
- Steven
Jazz Mousepad 22:03
Project 2 recently posted the following about a mouse pad for Jazz 2: The Secret Files:
Project Two Interactive has surprised thousands of gamers all over Europe last week. Gamers, who have sent in the registration card from the well known game Jazz Jackrabbit 2, which was released May 1998, now suddenly saw their efforts rewarded. Without any warning the mailbox was filled with a beautiful Jazz Jackrabbit 2 The Secret Files mousepad, completely FREE !! This Project Two action was pretty unique because of the non-commercial intentions: no one was pushed to go and buy the new Jazz game. But, probably the online rumours will have an even larger effect... a new form of Direct Marketing in the games-industry born?! First reactions are very positive, like this one from Marjan Groen-Klaver from Lelystad, The Netherlands: " Dear people at Project Two, What a surprise from you we found in the mail! In this way I want to sincerely thank you for the mousepad. We immediately took it into good use! Thanks again and good luck with your work."
- Steven
P2 Takes Benelux 21:19
The following was taken from Jazz Central:
[StevenT] got this info from DevanKiller:
Project Two takes control of own Benelux distribution
As of March 1st 1999 Project Two will deal with Benelux retailers directly, where it used Media Connection for distribution in the past. According to managing director Peter Dekker the step is a result of the wish to intensify the market approach and take control of matters. "The Benelux is after all our home market and we want to raise our profile here", Dekker states. "Last January both a new marketing manager and a new PR manager have been added to the staff, so we are ready for it." So far the market has reacted very positively. The step is part of a conscious streamlining of the European distribution network of Project Two.
- Steven
Monday March 15, 1999
TSF Released 21:40
Jazz 2: The Secret Files was released in Europe today by Project 2, as scheduled. However, on an interview with Arjan Brusee at Jazz Central, the programmer stated that TSF will not be coming to the USA. This is probably a major disappointment for Jazz 2 fans, but, never to fear, there will be a shareware of TSF released on the Internet in a couple weeks and even a screen saver.
- Steven
Sunday March 14, 1999
Nuclear Burritos 15:51
It has come to my attention that Zapped Production isn't the only programming group, but there is also another, older one: Nuclear Burrito Software. They have been around since January and have the following people in their group: