Menu for 1-6

*it* Price Range (3/6)
New J2C Layout! (3/6)
Newbie FAQ Updated (3/6)
*it* Name Change (3/6)
Clan Links Stuff (3/5)
FHS Homepage (3/4)
TryMe Comp. Results! (3/3)
-Fan Art Required- (3/3)
Newbie Page Released! (3/3)
JC Back On The Map (3/3)
More Jazz Clones! (3/2)
Jazz Clones (3/1)
New Poll (3/1)
Jazz 2 Site Network (2/28)


Saturday March 6, 1999

*it* Price Range 16:38
Jazz Central posted the following estimated price range for *it*:

$21.71 EURO

Jazz Central also posted some good info about Jazz 2 for MAC. You can download the shareware here (14MB) and you can buy the game from Logicware.

- Steven

New J2C Layout! 15:06
Some people may be disappointed by our new layout, but for others it's a dream come true. The new layout is specifically designed for people with slower modems.. the news page has been upgraded on both the graphical and light layouts, so the graphics are minimized... the menu on the light layout is much easier to navigate, despite the loss of any flashy graphics. This is a big plus for everyone all around, because as I know, you're not interested in me showing off my art, but rather getting your JJ2 news first, fast, and easiest ;-) Both flames and glory are equally welcome in my mail box =) (and since Onag helped, you can give him some pain too ;-)

I must admit however, this great idea wasn't my own... Yes, that's right...I, the Pablo Picasso of web art, the John Lennon of pixels, the William Yeats of web design, am an unoriginal rat. I, the one who all the world looks to when they need advice on whatever, have by complete purpose stolen a layout. I, hero to the people, favored artist of the pros, near-divine creature who's magical copy of photoshop strikes fear into the hearts of... er.. oops, got a bit carried away there... as a matter of fact, that too was taken from another place.. but I won't go into that ;-) The "new wonderful j2c layout" was modeled after BluesNews. Oh dear oh dear... now I must go and pout =)

- DethMan

Newbie FAQ Updated 15:00
The Newbie FAQ has been updated, by an entry from Captain Spam. It's a section about the JMMB. Be sure to check it out. Also, for those of you who don't know, if you have a good entry for the Newbie FAQ, send it to me and I may just add it =)

- DethMan

*it* Name Change 13:01
I have been informed by one of the creators of *it* that "The Secret Files" is not the official name for the add-on. In fact, chances are that it won't be called The Secret Files, which was "Project 2's bad idea." Also, there is not a US publisher for *it* at this time, but we'll be sure to tell you once there is one.

- Steven

Friday March 5, 1999

Clan Links Stuff 16:20
Well, I fixed my POP server so you can send the clan links again, Btw, I lost alot of my emails so it would be best if you just emailed me the links again. I'm gonna be gone for 2 days, so don't send any until Sunday, Thanks. =)

- Roaster

Wednesday March 4, 1999

FHS Homepage 19:45
A new Jazz 2 site was recently released involving the FHS clan. You can view the under-construction-site here.

- Steven

TryMe Competition Results! 20:43
The results of TryMe Event #1 have been posted! (this news wasn't posted earlier due to a 404 on the tryme server). Be sure to check it out... this competition could easily represent the best JCSers around, and there is still a long way to go, so anyone else can join in and catch up. Keep in mind, important people like Peter Baily of Orion Software Systems (a company looking for some people to help with a sidescrolling RPG based on the Jazz 2 engine) could be watching these results very carefully.

And of course, if you play this one out, you can brag to all your friends ;-)

- DethMan

Fan Art Required 20:43
While it's true the fan art poll isn't finished yet, I've already decided from the current results, that a fan art page is the way to go =) I'm working on one, and it should be up soon... however, I will gladly accept images now, to post when the fan art page is done. Try to keep these images under 200k, and in a net-complient format (i.e. .JPG). With the fan art page up, you'll be able to show off your work to hundreds of people, without even talking to those people =) There's also a possibility you'll see some pictures Dean's drawn.. that's always a cool thing :-)

Please submit all images to

- DethMan

Newbie Page Released 20:43
The percentage of so-called "newbies" has risen greatly in the past few monthes, and even though there are many veterans, there are not enough to teach all these people the basics of JJ2. If you've recently bought Jazz 2, be sure to check this page out... it has some of the information you'll need to be on your way to... well, atleast mid-veteran status ;-) I didn't have time to make it the quality I would prefer, but here it is anyway =) Click here to see it.

- DethMan

JC Back On The Map 20:43
Jazz Central finally got a much needed face lift, and has put it's little internet niche back on the map. The new look is much more appealing, suffice it to say there isn't a whole lot changed in the content. It's definately worth a look.

- DethMan

Tuesday March 3, 1999

More Jazz Clones 19:46
If you thought Charge's first picture (below) was cool, check out this one... =)

- Steven

Monday March 2, 1999

Jazz Clones 21:29
Check out this cool screen shot that Charge took. He did not use the Advanced Multiple COMBO Event that makes Jazz fly, but rather did it specially...

- Steven

New Poll 11:10
Finally! Can you believe it? I found the time for a new poll ;-) But first, let's look at the last one's results. Out of the 147 people who voted, here's what they decided.. the JMMB stays with it's new look =)

How do you like the new JMMB layout?

*Great!* It's perfect (well, almost =) (88) -60%-
*O.K.* It's about the same, could be better. (18) -12%-
*Terrible* Change it back!!!!! (13) -9%-
*Not sure.* (or don't care) (28) -19%-

Now for this week's poll, a while ago MEZ requested that a Fan Art page be put up on J2C, for any JJ2 related art people wanted the world to see... MEZ wasn't the only one however, I've seen quite a few people ask me. With a fan art page, everyone could make their JJ2 art known =) So, I decided the best way to solve the yes or no question, is a poll...

- DethMan

Sunday March 1, 1999

Jazz 2 site Network 20:40
Alienator has started up a network of sites (Jazz 2 Site Network) which is located at This is sponsored by Jazz Comedy Central. The purpose of J2SN is to establish a network of Jazz 2 Sites so you don't have to go through the trouble of using a search engine. So, if you have a Jazz 2 site, be sure to request for its addition to the page.

- Steven